Ausgewählte Aufsätze

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  • Werth R.
    Dyslexia Due to Visual Impairments. Biomedicines. 2023; 11(9):2559.
  • Werth R:
    Dyslexia: Causes and Concomittant Impairments.
    MDPI – Brain Sci. 2023, 13(3), 472; DOI: 10.3390/brainsci13030472
  • Werth R: A Scientific Approach to Conscious Experience, Introspection, and Unconscious Processing: Vision and Blindsight. Brain Sci. 2022, 12(10), 1305
  • Werth R: Is Developmental Dyslexia Due to a Visual and Not a Phonological Impairment? Brain Sci. 2021, 11(10), 1313
  • Werth R: Dyslexic Readers Improve without Training When Using a Computer-Guided Reading Strategy. Brain Sci. 2021, 11(5), 526
  • Werth R: What causes dyslexia? Identifying the causes of dyslexia and effective compensatory therapy
    Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
    , November 2019 37(1):1-18 2019
  • Werth R: Rapid improvement of reading performance in children with dyslexia by altering the reading strategy: a novel approach to diagnoses and therapy of reading deficiencies. Restor Neurol Neurosci, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 679-691 2018.
  • Werth R: Islam in Western Society. In: M. Krienke, E. Kuhn (eds.), Two Indispensable Topoi of Interreligious Dialogue. Tene Quod Bene, Vienna 2017, pp. 197-214.
  • Werth R: Willensfreiheit, Schuld und Sühne – Neuropsychologische und wissenschaftstheoretische Aspekte. In: Karimi M, Dziri A (Hrsg.), Freiheit im Angesicht Gottes. Kalam, Freiburg 2015, pp. 34-57.
  • Werth R: Der freie Wille ist beweisbar. In: Rodenstock R (Hrsg.), Willensfreiheit ist zwecklos. RHI, München 2015, pp. 71-99
  • Werth R: Explaining altered cerebral functioning following cerebral damage. Cortex. 2014; 56:26-9.
  • Werth R: Cerebral blindness and plasticity of the visual system in children. A review of visual capacities in patients with occipital lesions, hemispherectomy or hydranencephaly. Restor Neurol Neurosci 26 (2008), 377-389.
  • Werth R: Residual visual functions after loss of both cerebral hemispheres in infancy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48 (2007), 3098-3106.
    Werth R: Visual functions without the occipital lobe or after cerebral hemispherectomy in infancy. European Journal of Neuroscience 24 (2006), 2932-2944.
  • Werth R, Schaedler G: Visual field loss in children and mentally handicapped adolescents receiving vigabatrin. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47 (2006), 3028-3035.
  • Werth R: Therapie von Lesestörungen durch Erkennen und Beheben der Ursachen Ergotherapie und Rehabilitation 9 (2006b) 6-10.
  • Werth R, Seelos K: Restitution of visual functions in cerebrally blind children. Neuropsychologia 43 (2005), 2011-2023.
  • Werth R, Moehrenschlager M: The development of visual functions in cerebrally blind children during a systematic visual field training. Restor Neurol Neurosci 15 (1999), 229-241.
  • Werth R, Steinbach Th: Symptoms of prosopagnosia in intoxicated subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills 71 (1991), 399-412.
  • Werth R: The influence of culture and environment on the perception of time. International Journal of Psychophysiology 7 (1989), 436-437.
  • Werth R, Pöppel E: Pseudoneglect: Compression and lateral shift of mental coordinate sys -tems in a line bisection task. Neuropsychologia 26 (1988), 741-747.
  • Zihl J, Werth R: Contributions to the study of „blindsight“: I. Can stray light account for saccadic localization ability in patients with postgeniculate visual field defects? Neuropsychologia 22 (1984), 1-11.
  • Zihl J, Werth R: Contributions to the study of „blindsight“: II. The role of specific practice for saccadic localization performance in patients with postgeniculate visual field defects. Neuropsychologia 22 (1984), 13-22.