Diagnostics and therapy of brain damage
Reinhard Werth, Professor of Medical Psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich and Neuropsychologist at the Institute for Social Pediatrics and Youth Medicine at the University of Munich. Habilitated (Dr. med. habil.) in Medical Psychology and Philosophy of Science (Dr. phil. habil.). Shown in 1982 that the vague terms conscious, unconscious, consciousness can be grasped scientifically with the help of formal logic and how conscious and unconscious visual performance can be quantitatively measured in brain-damaged patients (Werth 1982, 2010). By systematically stimulating areas of the visual field that had become blind after brain damage, Werth and Moehrenschlager (1999) and Werth and Seelos (2005) succeeded in restoring lost visual functions in children. Werth was the first to show that the brain in children has such plasticity that after the loss of a cerebral hemisphere or after the loss of both occipital lobes of the brain, whose function was considered indispensable for vision, a normal visual field can nevertheless develop in childhood (Werth 2006a). In subsequent studies, Werth showed that after the loss of both cerebral hemispheres in childhood, the brain stem can still mediate elementary visual functions in the centre of the visual field (foveal and perifoveal area) and elementary hearing performance (Werth 2007a).
In another research project, Werth showed that what is known as dyslexia can have different causes, so that dyslexia is not a single, independent disorder. Werth developed methods with which the causes of the reading disorder can be determined in every child or adult (Werth 2001; Werth et al. 2003-2007, 2018). From this, Werth developed a compensatory therapy directed at the respective causes. Two independent studies have shown that this therapy can reduce the number of reading errors by almost two thirds in a single session (Werth 2006b, 2007b, 2018; Klische 2007).
Free will
Werth succeeded in reconstructing the concept of free will scientifically and proving the existence of free will (Werth 2010).